“Violets Celebrate the USA”

October 27 – 30, 2021
Radisson Hotel at Fossil Creek
2540 Meacham BLVD.
Fort Worth, TX 76106
The Radisson Hotel Convention room rate is 99.00 per night +tax. Click here to make your reservation.
This exciting 3 day event full of beautiful plants will include an AVSA judged show, an outstanding plant sale, excellent presentations, meetings, and the opportunity to enjoy fellow African violet enthusiasts.
Registration information will be posted in the LSAVC newsletter.
“Violets Celebrate the USA” 2021 Convention Registration
To register for the 2021 Convention online with Paypal or Visa, use the following link:
If you would rather mail your registration, here is the registration form as a PDF document.
The 2021 Special Convention package with show schedule, agenda, registration form, etc: