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Online Registration Form
Online Registration Form
This is the Convention Registration form. Each item can be expanded by clicking on the item name or on the "more info" text to the right of the item in order to fully display the contents of the selected Registration item.
Displaying 1 to 6 (of 6 Products)
Product Name |
Price+ |
Commercial tables are $50 for one table, $80 for two tables. Additional tables are $20 each. Electricity is an additional $20 for the sales booth. |
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Meal choices are Roasted Pork Loin ($50), Chicken Picatta ($50) or Vegetarian Lasagna ($45). It is OK to add additional Saturday Awards Banquet meals... |
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Award Donations. We appreciate all awards donated that support our convention and show. We encourage each of you to consider giving an award. Awards... |
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Late Fee. Registrations submitted after Oct 8, 2024 are assessed a $10 late fee. |
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Join Lone Star now! To exhibit in the LSAVC show, you must register for convention and be a member of LSAVC or a member of a Texas Affiliate Club. |
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LSAVC Registration Fee (Guests who only attend Banquet and do not attend other convention functions do not pay a registration fee). |
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Displaying 1 to 6 (of 6 Products)